February 24, 2012

Psst...Look What You Can Do With A 5dollar Second Hand Jewelry Box

I bought this jewelry box for only five dollars and it's a music box as well.

I know it's been awhile since I've posted. first my laptop went out of commission for about a month. I had to replace the motherboard twice. I'm also going back and forth to court pending an eviction...I'm a bit burned out and overwhelmed that I've started to develop a bit of migraine headaches. I'm doing the best I can...I can use lots of positive prayers from all of you.

Enough of  that disappointing news...let's get back to arts and crafts.

It has three extra draws in the inside.

I took off all the handles. Then I sanded down the whole  jewelry box.

I used CLR to get rid of all the gook that was on all the handles.

I began to paint it with acrylic paint.

I started to build on decor painting.

I finally added the flowers.


I can also use this as a big piece of furniture for a doll that's the right scale for this jewelry box size.

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