November 10, 2015

Nancy Ann's Rescued Dolls Getting Clothes Made And Hair Done.

Getting all the measurements together for pattern making, cutting, and sewing. Busy, busy busy.

The underpants are totally hand sewn. The dress is machine sewn and hand sewn.

 My real workspace it's not, I repeat, IT'S NOT AT All organized as pictured above. It goes with the territory. Can I get an Amen.

Oh yeah, they have dollies.

These will be a bonus on my next post, so ya'll come back now ya here (southern accent).

She got her hair done, Yippie! Six more girlies to go.

Instead of using the hair weave I buy from my local Beauty Supply store, I used cotton crochet thread. I rolled it up on straws (God forgive me but I took these from Dunkin Donuts, and Burger King because they are the fatter straws) in sections, and emerged it hot boiling water, I did that process after I fitted it to her head. By the way, this is not a wig cap, it's actually glued on to her head.
I decided against the hair weave because it took me too long to put it on the first doll. I ended up doing it twice before I got it to almost the way I wanted. I enjoy my peace and sanity thank you very much, and besides which, I want to enjoy the process not the frustration, so I'm back on board with enjoying.

Enjoy the process below of the doll hair making...yes, there's a method to my madness...hee hee hee.

I did color the top of the dolls head with acrylic paint matching the color of crochet thread. Then I sealed it with matte liquitex.

Okay, so I have about 60 strands of crochet thread, about 1/2" longer than her body. I sewed it down the middle, keeping the thread very close to each other.

I pushed it in a little into the hole of her head...So glad that hole was there. It made my hair making a breeze.

I spread the hair as evenly as possible. Leave the front open, additional hair will be added to that part.

Okay, let's see if I can explain this one...I used masking tape to keep the hair in place. I applied the masking tape in this manner...with the sticky side facing the hair underneath, I turned under the ends of the tape to stick to the face, to hold it in place. Then I placed the hair on the tape evenly spaced...OMG, I hope you understood that.

I then put more masking tape on top of the hair sticky side down this time.
I marked where I wanted to sew with a pen.
I sewed on top of the tape, but in the inside of the hair where it concave's, then I removed the tape easily...I hope you understood that one too.

For the front part, I gathered about 40 more crochet strands, evenly spaced it, and again, applied masking tape underneath and on top (my new best friend, Ahhh, masking tape), I placed the tape where I wanted the part to be, then I marked it where I wanted it sewn. And I sewed it. Then I removed the tape easily.

As you can see I did not cut the bottom of the hair yet. I went ahead and cut open the bottom. I sectioned off the hairs and rolled the hair on the straws and pinned it with bobbi pins (pictured in third photo from the top of page). I emerged the hair in hot boiled water and left it there for about two or three minutes.
Don't judge me, but after I took it out the boiled water I placed the hair in my oven, even when it's turned off it stays warm in there. I left it there overnight.

Knowing that the hair has fully dried, I unrolled the straws, one by one. I added some cold silicon glue in and around the hole.
After inserting the hair, once again I evenly spaced it, pulling here, and tugging there, then I glued that in place. I applied very little cold silicon glue underneath the area of the stitched line.

Got it? I hope so.

Finally! I glued the front piece in place, applying a small  amount of cold silicone glue underneath the stitched line, then I styled it. There was a small amount of additional glue added to help keep her hair styled.

OMG! I'm done explaining the method to my madness...WhEEW!

Thank you for stopping by
Many Blessings.

October 31, 2015

Rescued Dolls/Nancy Ann Storybook Dolls Makeover

I am GUILTY!...for being inspired by Beth Webber (link to her blog). It's all her fault I'm addicted. I hope you're happy now Beth, beacause I am. Thank you doll.

The dolls I have here are Nancy Ann's Storybook Dolls made of bisque. Click Here for the complete history of Nancy Ann's Storybook Dolls, that began in 1936 and lasted to early 1960's. 

 I was lucky enough to purchase at least one with jointed legs (pictured above). The one's I purchased all measure about 5 1/4" tall. I will be keeping two, giving two away to family members, and the rest I will sell.

I"ve airbrushed three of the 3 dolls with acrylic paint, flesh color. The jointed legs is one of the airbrushed dolls. I gave all the dolls fresh new eyes, lips, and shoes using acrylic paints also. Liquitex Professional Matte Varnish and Gloss Varnish is what I used to seal the acrylic paints. I also used Matte Fluid Meduim to give tooth to the bisque for the paint to grab on.

I've designed patterns to make them new clothes. The jumper is one of my designs and completely hand sewn.

They are all done, they are awaiting their hair and clothes.

She is still awaiting her snap, on the back of jumper.

Yay! they're getting rescued.

She's the ariginal but all cleaned up.

Their undergarments are made with felt and embellished with lace trm and ribbon.

This is my own personal doll that I own. I bought her for $5.00 brand new. She is porcelain. She measures about 6 1/2" tall. I also airbrushed her, she was too pale to me. I had to repaint her eyes and lips. Her underwear is her original except for the added lace, ribbon and bow on top, I added that. I've been wanting to change her look for quite some time, and give her new clothes...I'm thinking Victorian. I had her in my bedroom on my vanity...


Thanks for visiting.

July 13, 2015

SHE'S HERE! Sweet Candi Poseable Felt Doll Pattern

Finally! I have been so overwhelmed lately. I  have been wanting to put this cutie pie, Sweet Candi Poseable Felt Doll' tutorial together. I finally did it...yipeee!

She measures 6 3/4" tall when assembled. 
Basket and lollipops are included as a pattern.

She is fully poseable. And now available to purchase in my Etsy Shop.

Look at that face. Adorable! Need I say more about her curly hair???....

She stands with such poise and elegance.

She's definitely a keeper.

I hope you like her.

She's so Sweet!

June 21, 2015

Polymer Clay Animal Doll Charm Necklaces

These cutie pies are made of polymer clay and embellished with a resin bow and rose. They are hung on a waxed cotton cord, organza necklace. I can't get enough of them. I really enjoyed making these and want to make lots more.

I attempted to make the yellow one a pig...I don't think I pulled it off, but never the less, she's a cutie pie too. I hope you like them.

They retail for $35.00 each plus shipping.

Enjoy the some of the work in progress below.

Thank you for stopping by.

June 20, 2015

Polymer Clay Doll Charms With Dancing Legs

These dancing charm dolls are baked polymer clay. They are embellished with polymer cane flowers, ceramic flowers and glass jewels. They are hung by a waxed cotton cord and an organza ribbon. 
They will retail for $35.00 each plus shipping.

Please enjoy some of the process in how I made the charms below. 

Thank you for stopping by.

March 11, 2015

Felt Boys Pencil Toppers

My first time ever making a boy or something for a boy. I felt intimidated to make boy things. Making a boy doll or something for a boy scared me for fear of it looking too feminine, among other things. But I did it! Whew...what a relief to know that I can have more confidence in myself after making these.

They will be available as a pattern in Pdf format on etsy.

They are made to be removeable, when your pencils get to small you can put them on a new pencil.

I hope you like them.

Follow me on my facebook page for those of you who are on facebook more than on blogger.

March 5, 2015

Polymer Clay Meets Fabric

I am so fascinated with small dolls that I couldn't help creating these polymer clay doll charms, measuring at about 3" tall, these darlings are made of polymer clay and fabric. The body is made from 100% cotton fabric and the hair is yarn. They also have painted on shoes made with fabric paint. They are 100% handmade. They are hung on cotton cord organza necklace and are priced at $40.00 each plus shipping via paypal payments. Please email me with inquiries about purchasing I hope you like them just as much as I enjoyed making them.   

These two darlings already have a home.

These darlings are waiting for a home...

And so are these, minus the two one the right top and bottom.

Enjoy viewing the process below.

Painted underpants with fabric paint.

Thank you for viewing

Ta Ta for now.
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